Essec Ventures 

      Incubator of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation 

ESSEC trains leaders-entrepreneurs capable of addressing the challenges of a changing world.

Since its creation, ESSEC has always cultivated a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, which lies at the very core of its educational approach, research, and managerial practices. Our ambition is to ensure that each ESSEC graduate views uncertainty as a call to action.

Essec Ventures support ESSEC student entrepreneurs all along their journey, from the original idea to the business sustainability.

Take a look at our brand new INSPIRING videos!


Listen to Alex and Valentine tell their story on how they launched Anga, a furniture line made of recycled plastic. Fascinating insights on how a business school student helped a creative designer take his products to the next level.

Listen to Thibault explain the rocky beginnings of his adventure, transforming an in-class project into a soon-to-be 400 employees company with offices all over the world. Thibault reflects on his entrepreneurial journey at Partoo and the many challenges he faced along the way.